Welcome to the slender ranks of the audience of the Academy of the General Staff! You, commander, have already proved that you can manage the troops – albeit so far in the computer game Order of War. However, this is a good start to your career. Small formality: a small test for how you learned the lessons of the past. So, trifle: ten questions for knowledge of the material. You really played, aren't it? And remember the details of your glorious combat path? So that you do not have to spend too much time, we even entered the answers ourselves, the main thing is to choose the right, good? Good luck, commander!
Conditions of the competition
Every visitor can take part in the competition Igromania.ru (regardless of whether it is registered or not). The task of the participants is to send your answers to a special mailbox konkurs@nd.ru marked in the topic of the letter “OOW” (letters without a mark will not be sorted).
The letter needs to indicate information about yourself and the options for answers in the following form:
FULL NAME: E-mail: 1. A 2. B 3. B and t.D.
You can only participate in the competition once. If your answer is duplicated, then you are completely excluded from participation in the competition. The organizers of the competition, their relatives or close people are prohibited from participating.
The timing of the competition : September 28 – October 5
The first five prizes will be played among the first five participants who correctly answered.
First place – Netbook 10 " HP Mini 110C-1010er
Second place – BenQ G2220HDA Monitor, 21.5 "
Third place – Logitech G15 game keyboard and Logitech G9 mouse
Fourth place – Logitech G15 Game Keyboard
Fifth place – Logitech G9 mouse
Comfortable prizes – Five sets of the game "Order of War. Liberation "are played out among all the correctly responded, with the exception of the already victorious.
Prizes to the winners are not sent (the exception is Jew's comforting prize "Order of War. Liberation "). Smile from the Moscow office of the company "New Disk".
Competitive questions
1. So, let's start with the simplest. Game "Order of War. Liberation ”is the fruit of the creative work of the developers of the company .. A. Wargaming.NET – Belarusian drummers of the Strategic Front. B. "New disk" – I saw the logo on the cover, I know! IN. Some Japanese incomprehensible dudes … Something there is a square in their name ..
2. Well, I said – the simplest. Continue. The landing on the Omaha beach, in which you took part … They say that our aircraft made a significant contribution to the defeat of German fortifications .. A. I will not say for aviation-but something like that shot from the sea, it was the case! Babahalo, already helmets fell. B. Aviation just burned! The link behind the link, they dumped their deadly load in the position of the "Hans". I personally called the air support eight times! IN. Yes, there was not a single shuttle aircraft! No support – neither from the sea, nor from the air, one infantry! We put thousands of our guys before we could capture the bridgehead. We didn't even have tanks!
3. Come on, die ardor! You are a combat commander, passed fire and water, participated in the liberation of Paris, closed the "Falez boiler", took part in the Warsaw uprising … By the way, you participated in all these operations? Look into the eyes, in the eye, I said!!! A. Che you stuck, the boss?! I didn’t take the machine in my hands at all, I am involuntarily liable! So, passing here … And he took the uncle's shape to be blamed .. B. Uh … Fales-took, “Omha-Beach”-took, Paris-took … Warsaw did not take! I was just in Paris at this time, if that. IN. Yes, I went through all these operations! As I remember now hot fights in the suburbs of Paris and fighting on the Warsaw streets. I was there and write about it in the memoirs ..
4. Um … Well, okay. The reconnaissance will check your words. Sorry, the commander – this work is. We have to check everyone. By the way, they say that in one of the operations, Russian "St. John's wort" helped you … It was always interesting: who or what it is? A. These are detachments of Russian partisans who have read Cooper! From their Berdanks, they are able to get into the eye of the squirrel from a distance to a mile! B. Ah, these are wonderful Russian self -propelled guns! “St. John's wort” they were nicknamed for outstanding achievements in the hunt for “tigers” and “panther” – and what you wanted, 152 millimeters! The unfortunate "pussy" just demolished the towers from one hit. IN. Well, what? This is a Russian powder from cockroaches and bugs, all the soldiers were given. Why "St. John's wort"? So in the war such bugs are animals just!
5. Thanks, thanks, commander, for the detailed answer. I will know now … Yes, the Russians told me that for the first time we met with the Royal Tigers near SA … San … Saint … uh … uh .. A. On the Sandomir bridgehead – this is in Poland, from here it is not visible. The first acquaintance of the Soviet troops with the "royal tigers" happened there. … and not to say that it was pleasant. B. Sanduna?! How, you also go to the bathhouse every year?! IN. Near Saint-Denis? Let me, but there were no Russians there! Well, except for the corporal of Smirnoff and the foreman of Yuzenstein … Although the latter claims that not Russian.
6. Ah, yes, exactly there! How could I forget something … This, you see, the consequences of the shell. So how many liberation operations did you take place in the allies campaign? A. Nine. B. Seven or eight … maybe ten … but definitely no more than twelve. IN. Twenty two! And also the liberation of Hokkaido!
7. Yes, a serious combat path. The supreme command, I hope, appreciated your strategic talents? A. What command? We did not have a command. Twenty lines of briefing – and forward, conquer forests and swamps. I haven’t seen a single officer in the game … They didn’t even give a medal one. B. It’s a sin to complain: after each successful mission – medals, orders … Experience glasses, so that you can improve troops – add tanks of armor or there for guns to increase the firing range … we value the command of good commanders! IN. Well, of course, they didn’t give a medaler – to see, they ended! But how many opportunities for development! Direct management of any tanks, skills to call art support pumped, the cap from the murdered German general took off – +25 to "Strategy". So the buns was not deprived!
8. And how, many soldiers have trusted you? Whether the large groups of the troops happened to manage? A. Well … I gained a couple of thousand people "under a gun" in separate missions! Consider, in terms of the charter – almost commanded the regiment! B. But what … more than a dozen tanks have never seen. All in small groups, all tactical contractions "Five people https://orion-spins-gb-casino.co.uk/ for two tanks" .. IN. Yes, I took the fronts to the attack! I remember right now: three thousand tanks and self -propelled guns, with the support of one hundred thousand infantry and one and a half thousand artillery trunks … and this is not the limit!
9. Really? By the way, they say that in multiplayer battles there are some "elite units". For allies, of course, “rangers” act here – but with the USSR who has become an “elite infantry”? A. Partisans, who else. Molotov’s cocktail threw instead of grenades and in the forests they get five more damage. All in fur hats and funkiki. B. "Stores" – huge infantry detachments pressing the enemy mass. Shoot so -so – but they are simply unrealistic. IN. "Black pea jackets" – sea infantry. Iron guys, I will tell you – tanks are tearing for a sweet soul. In vests and dishevefers, everything is as it should!
10. Well, the last question: to theory. Developer company "Order of War. Liberation "that you guessed (guessed, the truth?), this year, at a conference of the developers of computer games, a high title was awarded. What? A. "High" – they themselves said! What should I repeat? B. Um … "Production Assignant"? "Best Corporate T -shirts"? "Uncertainrs from the gaming industry"? Well, don't languish .. IN. "Best Developer"! And, damn it, deservedly!
Everything, commander – thanks for the answers, we learned everything that we wanted. You can go. What? Where to go? Well, how do I know how? Here we will now collect all the answers from other candidates and in a week or two will give you to know about the results. The best will receive memorable prizes from the supreme command. Yes, yes, I have no doubt that it is you who are worthy of these prizes. All at once and wholesale. But – the rules are rules. Go to our site in a week – everything will be clear.
"New disc", "Gambling" and Wargaming.Net wished good luck to all contestants!